At the cutting edge of mould testing research
HouseTest and research
At HouseTest it is our mission to collaborate with universities and research organizations to participate in non-profit research programmes within indoor climate and health.
HouseTets’s goals are:
To generate knowledge about the connection between the indoor climate and the health of inhabitants, enabling development of solutions that promote a heathy indoor climate.
To develop further the technology behind HouseTest’s DNA-analyses and to provide ever more precise assessment and counselling based on the results of the analyses
Find a description of each of the projects below

Research Projects

Dampness, Moulds and Respiratory Disorders
Investigation of the connection between the occurrence of dampness and moulds in dwellings where the inhabitants suffer from asthma and respiratory disorders.

Monitoring the Indoor Climate in UK Dwellings
In recent years PCA has experienced an increase in building affected by dampness and moulds across the UK.

Microparticles from Moulds
Moulds can emit very large numbers of microparticles, much smaller than spores.

The Microbiome in Rural and Urban Dwellings
Repeatedly, previous research has shown a higher prevalence of some airway disorders in urban areas compared to rural areas.

Several species of mould secrete toxic secondary metabolites known as mycotoxins