Mould belongs to the family of fungi, and can be found everywhere in the natural environment, where it lives in the earth, on plants and breaks down dead plant material.

The following symptoms can occur after prolonged exposure to mould spores inside a house: • Headaches • Fatigue • Concentr...

Moulds and your Health
People react very differently to moulds, in terms of both the quantity and the type of mould in question. As such, it is extr......

Hidden Mould Growth: Six Warning Signs to watch out for
When you think of moulds in buildings, you probably picture black markings on the wall or on the ceiling. Most often, however......

Concealed Moulds affect the Indoor Climate
Moulds usually grow out of sight and are therefore difficult to locate using conventional methods. Concealed or visible, moul......

Mould Eradication
Skimmelsvamp bør altid fjernes uanset art og omfang. Mindre områder med skimmelsvamp, f.eks i fugerne på badeværelset og vin...

Preventing Moulds
A crucial factor in avoiding a mould infestation is reducing the indoor humidity to prevent moulds from growing. Most species......

What is mould?
Moulds are a species of fungus found almost everywhere in natural environments, namely in the ground, on plants and on wither......

Where do Moulds Grow?
Moulds decompose organic matter, which are found in abundance in people's homes: woodwork and glue as well as wallpaper and s......